It is the mission of UCA’s 911 Division to support Utah’s public safety answering points (“PSAPs”) in their efforts to provide the highest quality and most cost-effective emergency 911 call delivery and dispatch systems to the citizens of Utah, its emergency responders, and visitors to our State. The 911 Division’s primary goal is for every 911 caller to receive consistent, high-quality service no matter where in the state a 911 call is placed. Success requires the 911 Division and PSAPs to meet the challenges and changes necessary to embrace new technologies.
In fulfilling this mission, UCA’s 911 Division is in the process of providing a statewide, Next Generation 911 (“NG911”) emergency services network (“ESInet”), core services (“NGCS”), and call-handling equipment for all public safety answering points (“PSAPs”) in Utah. In addition, the 911 Division, in conjunction with the PSAP Advisory Committee, works to develop and report on minimum standards and best practices for PSAPs in Utah, including minimum technical, administrative, fiscal, network, and operational standards for PSAPs that will result in rapid, efficient, and interoperable 911 services through Utah. Annually the 911 Division prepares and publishes a report of how well PSAPs statewide are complying with these standards and best practices.
UCA’s 911 Division also investigates and reports on emerging technology and offers appropriate trainings to Utah’s PSAPs to understand and utilize this technology. The 911 Division also aggregates helpful and worthwhile information for PSAPs and generally supports PSAPs as they serve Utah’s citizens and first responders.